Thursday, 9 August 2012

Hello everyone!

Summer Club has started, so there is a lot going on at Centru Tbexbix! All the workshops a very varied, there is working with clay, papier-mache, paintings, music,... To get an idea of the programm, here are some pictures:

We already had very eventful outings with swimming, playing games and this week it was a boat trip to Comino! I think I can talk for everyone if I say that this summer club is a very moving experience for everyone! Let's see what happens the next time....

Friday, 11 May 2012

The Circus Certificate: Closure Ceremony

The Circus Certificate: Closure Ceremony

After some weeks of training and achieving good results, the children finally got their Circus Certificate. Over a number of days they practiced balancing, rope skipping, hoola hoops, somersaults, headstand, cartwheels, accurate throws...At the end, we had a ceremony where the participants received a medal and raised a trophy. All are happy with their achievement in this circus activity.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Clay Class

Every wednesday  the children have clay class.
Arthur, the teacher who has been volunteering for this for the past five months, inspires them by showing a clay object which he brings with him, and then demonstrates and explains how it is done. With his help the children have gained new skills and are making good progress.

Children can also cooperate

On 6th May 2012, Sunday, we participated in a culture festival in Bormla, where Centru Tbexbix is situated. We had an information stand with some of our garden plants and cakes.

In line with our focus on creativity, we asked the children to decorate the pots of the plants. In this way the children feel useful and their artistic skills are appreciated... They enjoyed it! 

Yoga Shoots 4th May 2012

Today we had around 32 children from Birkirkara primary school for a yoga shoots session. We divided them into 3 groups and each group did one hour each, rotating, of yoga, music and art. We are 10 volunteers at the moment and everyone had duties and responsibilities, for the smooth running of the programme.

All the children were happy in the end. Some of them expressed that this was their best school outing ever. Another asked: "Can I live here?" It's as if the children immediately become attached to the energy of the place.

We are also happy!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

English Club in the kitchen

The cherries and the strawberries baking scones in the kitchen.

Two future bakers?

Baking involves teamwork (Mangos)

You can't bake scones without involving your hands!

The Pineapples puttning their last touch to their scones.

At the tracks

Every Friday at 3.45 pm it is time for Centru Tbexbix's athletics program. Here are some pictures from the lesson last week.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

The wizard of lies

Since the theme of February was truth, several activities during the lessons, especially in English Club, have been connected to this topic. Highly appreciated was the photo story called the Wizard of Lies created by Jill and the Strawberries which you can see below.

The Wizard of Lies

Once there was a powerful wizard of lies.
He was searching for the most honest child in his town to become his new assistant.

He spoke his magic spell, so that every time a person lies one body part became really big.

He met many liars, like Mr Alfonso...

...or Mrs. Wumba.

But finally he met the most honest person in his town and took her to his castle, where they lived a happy life without lies.

The end

Thanks to all participants (both in front of and behind the camera!)


Wednesday, 29 February 2012

In the company of cinderellas, cowboys and clowns

Two weeks ago was the time for carnival here in Malta. Of course we at Centru Tbexibix wanted to take part in the celebration so we hosted our own carnival party for the children. The turn out proved to be even better than expected with about 35 children showing up in various creative costumes and for an hour and half they enjoyed themselves with dancing, playing games etc.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Green fingers

It is not only the children that get to learn new things at the centre. Sometimes the volunteers also have the opportunity to try something new, like last Wednesday when David held a workshop on how to take care of and replant the plants of the centre.The initial skepticism of some of the participants quickly vanished and everyone soon got their fingers dirty and enjoyed themselves taking care of the "baby plants".

Thank you David for an interesting and useful workshop!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Music for body and soul

Tuesday afternoon  the centre vibrated with music and the tunes of The Lion Sleeps Tonight filled the air. Both children and volunteers joined in as our friend Deborah, an American singer, came and held one of her popular workshops with the children.


The children got the chance to play an instrument

Monday, 30 January 2012

What has aboriginal art, yoga and Germany in common?

Answer: They were all part of Centru Tbexbix’s Yoga Shoots of Wednesday 25th Jan.

On this day we at Centru Tbexbix had the great pleasure of welcoming a class from our own neighbourhood, Bormla. The Yoga Shoots was divided into three parts. Our volunteers Nika, Arianna and Alice introduced the children to yoga, while Sophie told them more about her home country, Germany. The children also had the chance to sing a German song.

In Laila and Sonja’s Arts & Crafts, the children had a lot of fun making aboriginal art with animals. First they saw some pictures to get inspiration, and then they had a go of it themselves. The results you can see down below.

One of the teachers from Bormla Primary School later wrote:

It was a very interesting and enjoyable program full of learning activities. All the learning activities were well organized and I'm sure the students had a great time.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Yoga shoots 20th January

Today we at Centru Tbexbix were happy to welcome teachers and students from Learning Support Centre in Naxxar to the first Yoga shoots of the year. The Yoga shoots included yoga, co-operative games, an intercultural presentation of Germany and an arts and craft session.

One of the teachers from the Learning Support Centre wrote in the evaluation:

We had a fantastic morning. Yoga was our first experience. New information about Germany. The games were new to us and we really had fun. Arts and crafts was an extension to what we do at school. Here too we had a good time. All food preparad for us was excellent!

Monday, 16 January 2012

The Sunrise Centre

The Sunrise Centre or Centru Tbexbix is a centre for education and social service based in Cospicua, Malta. It hosts a variety of projects and activities aimed at the all-round development of children, youth and women from the Cottonera area. The programmes offered aim to provide opportunities for learning and personal growth so that people are encouraged and empowered to develop themselves and improve their socio-economic situation.
Programmes at the Sunrise Centre are based on the principles of neo-humanism, which stands for expansive love and respect for others and the whole of creation, recognizing that true education lies in the development of all levels of one's being: physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual.

The Sunrise Centre is located in the heart of Cospicua in a 17th-century house that has undergone extensive restoration.
When the building was bought back in 1999 it had been empty for many years and used as a local dump for almost as long. A number of dedicated volunteers have laboured tirelessly to transform the two-storey dilapidated building into a suitable place to house the project.

The Sunrise Centre is run by volunteers and programmes are offered free of charge. Donations are received to cover the running costs of the centre.

This post was to brief you all on who we are :)
Bellow are few images of previous projects ..Enjoy