Monday, 30 January 2012

What has aboriginal art, yoga and Germany in common?

Answer: They were all part of Centru Tbexbix’s Yoga Shoots of Wednesday 25th Jan.

On this day we at Centru Tbexbix had the great pleasure of welcoming a class from our own neighbourhood, Bormla. The Yoga Shoots was divided into three parts. Our volunteers Nika, Arianna and Alice introduced the children to yoga, while Sophie told them more about her home country, Germany. The children also had the chance to sing a German song.

In Laila and Sonja’s Arts & Crafts, the children had a lot of fun making aboriginal art with animals. First they saw some pictures to get inspiration, and then they had a go of it themselves. The results you can see down below.

One of the teachers from Bormla Primary School later wrote:

It was a very interesting and enjoyable program full of learning activities. All the learning activities were well organized and I'm sure the students had a great time.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Yoga shoots 20th January

Today we at Centru Tbexbix were happy to welcome teachers and students from Learning Support Centre in Naxxar to the first Yoga shoots of the year. The Yoga shoots included yoga, co-operative games, an intercultural presentation of Germany and an arts and craft session.

One of the teachers from the Learning Support Centre wrote in the evaluation:

We had a fantastic morning. Yoga was our first experience. New information about Germany. The games were new to us and we really had fun. Arts and crafts was an extension to what we do at school. Here too we had a good time. All food preparad for us was excellent!

Monday, 16 January 2012

The Sunrise Centre

The Sunrise Centre or Centru Tbexbix is a centre for education and social service based in Cospicua, Malta. It hosts a variety of projects and activities aimed at the all-round development of children, youth and women from the Cottonera area. The programmes offered aim to provide opportunities for learning and personal growth so that people are encouraged and empowered to develop themselves and improve their socio-economic situation.
Programmes at the Sunrise Centre are based on the principles of neo-humanism, which stands for expansive love and respect for others and the whole of creation, recognizing that true education lies in the development of all levels of one's being: physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual.

The Sunrise Centre is located in the heart of Cospicua in a 17th-century house that has undergone extensive restoration.
When the building was bought back in 1999 it had been empty for many years and used as a local dump for almost as long. A number of dedicated volunteers have laboured tirelessly to transform the two-storey dilapidated building into a suitable place to house the project.

The Sunrise Centre is run by volunteers and programmes are offered free of charge. Donations are received to cover the running costs of the centre.

This post was to brief you all on who we are :)
Bellow are few images of previous projects ..Enjoy